
Tiffany Oña Jodar

I was born in Sabadell and I studied Biomedical Sciences at the conveniently close UAB. After so much proximity, I decided to leave and study a Master’s Degree in Experimental and Clinical Neuroscience in Regensburg, Germany. I developed my master thesis on characterizing the dynamics of granule cells in the olfactory bulb using sodium imaging combined with patch-clamp electrophysiology in vitro. A never-ending winter convinced me it was time to come back to Barcelona. Luckily, I was awarded a La Caixa Fellowship that allow me to join de la Rocha Lab for conducting my PhD thesis.

Currently I am involved in a joined project between Dalmau Lab and Brain Circuits and Behavior Lab focused on characterizing the role of NMDA receptors in several brain functions, being working memory my main research field.

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