
Evolving Neural Networks workshop

Daniel Duque, Balma Serrano and Manuel Molano (together with Jorge Ramírez, from Rubén Moreno-Bote’s lab) have organized the 1st Evolving Neural Networks Workshop that will take place on the 17th of June, 2021.The goal of the workshop is to bring together experts from Systems and Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning and the Evo-Devo field to discuss if and how knowing the evolutionary history of neural circuits can help us understand the way the brain works, as well as the relative importance of learned VS innate neural mechanisms.

Schedule (Eastern Time)
8-8.10 Intro
8.10-8.35 Pamela Lyon What basal cognition can do for you (neuroscientists)
8.35-9.00 Luis Puelles Brain evolution crosses an ontogenetic 'ant's country' that escapes analysis
9.00-9.25 Paul Cisek The evolution of the human brain, long before humans
9.25-9.50 Robert Yang Evolving the Olfactory System with Machine Learning
09.50-10.20 Discussion
10.20-10.40 Break
10.40-10.50 Intro
10.50-11.15 Linda Wilbrecht Considering contextual factors at acute and evolutionary timescales in the study of learning and decision making
11.15-11.40 Ida Momennejad TBA
11.40-12.05 Dayu Lin Neural mechanisms of aggression
12.05-12.30 Tony Zador Learning through the Genomic Bottleneck
12.30-13.00 DiscussionIf you want to attend, visit our webpage and register here! It is free!